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11) Tokunaga A, Sugita S, Otani K, Terasawa K. 1985. Quantitative morphological changes in the superior colliculus and the parabigeminal nucleus in the bilaterally microphthalmic rat. Developmental Brain Research 23, 131-140.
12) Tokunaga A, Otani K, Sugita S, Terasawa K. 1986. Quantitative analysis of the superior colliculus and the parabigeminal nucleus in the hereditary unilaterally microphthalmic rat. Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica 62, 365-384.
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16) Tanaka K, Otani K, Sugita S. 1987. Quantitative analysis of the oculomotor nuclei in the mutant microphthalmic rat. Experimental Neurology 95, 472-481.
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18) Tokunaga A, Sugita S, Otani K, Toyonaga N. 1987. Uncrossed retinal projection to the medial terminal nucleus of the accessory optic system in the hereditary unilaterally microphthalmic rat. Experimental Neurology 95, 516-520.
19) Tanaka K, Otani K, Sugita S. 1987. Extraocular muscles in the microphthalmic rat. The Anatomical Record 218, 14-19.
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21) Ikeda Y, Noda H, Sugita S. 1989. Olivocerebellar and cerebelloolivary connections of the oculomotor region of the fastigial nucleus in the macaque monkey. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 284, 463-488.
22) Sugita S, Paallysaho J, Noda H. 1989. Topographical organization of the olivocerebellar projection upon the posterior vermis in the rat. Neuroscience Research 7, 87-102.
23) Sugita S, Otani K, Toyonaga N, Tanaka K. 1989. Projections from the superior colliculus to the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus in the hereditarily microphthalmic rat. Neuroscience Research 7, 199-207.
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28) 杉田 昭栄. 1991. ニワトリ視蓋前域への網膜投射について. 解剖学雑誌 66, 499-510
29) Sugita S, Noda H. 1991. Pathways and terminations of axons arising in the fastigial oculomotor region of macaque monkeys. Neuroscience Research 10, 118-136
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31) Sugita S, Ohsawa K. 1992. Morphometric and immunohistochemical studies of the suprachiasmatic nucleus in the hereditary microphthalmic rat. Experimental Animals 41, 437-442.
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33) Noda H, Sato H, Ikeda Y, Sugita S. 1992. Fastigiofugal fibers encoding horizontal and vertical components of saccades as determined by microstimulation in monkeys. Neuroscience Research 13, 163-173.
34) Wada N, Sugita S, Jouzaki A, Tokuriki M. 1993. Descending projections to coccygeal spinal segments in the cat. Journal of Anatomy 182, 259-265.
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38) 平尾 温司, 杉田 昭栄, 藤原 克彦. 1994. ニワトリ嗅球の遠心性及び求心性神経接合について. 日本畜産学会報 65, 842-849.
39) Sugita S. 1994. Vasotocin fibers and neurons in the brain of the domestic fowl (Gallus gallus domesticus ). Acta Anatomica Nipponica 69, 22-33.
40) 杉田 昭栄, 内海 修, 藤原 克彦, 新飯田 俊平, 福田 勝洋. 1995. ニホンハタネズミ(Microtus montebelli )に見られた後臼歯巨大歯形成による頭蓋腔への突出と脳の変化について. 実験動物学雑誌 43, 769-772.
41) Wada N, Sugita S, Hirao A, Tokuriki M. 1995. Polysynaptic pathways from hindlimb cutaneous afferent nerves to tail muscle motoneurons in unanesthetized and spinalized cats. Archives Italiennes de Biologie 133, 211-216.
42) Wada N, Takahashi K, Sugita S, Hirao A, Tokuriki M. 1995. Effects of hindlimb cutaneous afferent inputs on spinal reflex recording from tail muscle motoneurons in the spinalized cat. The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 57, 571-572.
43) Uchiumi O, Sugita S, Fukuta K. 1995. Retinal projections to the subcortical nuclei in the Japanese field vole ( Microtus montebelli ). Experimental Animals 44, 193-203.
44) Iizuka Y, Sugita S. 1995. Vagal preganglionic neurons innervating the different gastric regions in the Japanese quail ( Coturnix japonica ). Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica 72, 149-162.
45) Sugita S, Iizuka Y, Sugahara K. 1996. Organization of the vagal preganglionic neurons innervating the stomach in the Japanese quail (Conturinx japonica) double labeling fluorescent method. The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 58, 229-234.
46) Sugita S, Minematsu S, Nagai K, Sugahara K. 1996. Morphological changes in the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus and circadian rhythm of locomotor activity in hereditary microphthalmic rats. Experimental Animals 45, 115-124.
47) Sugita S, Fujikake N, Sugahara K, Fujiwara K, Wada N. 1996. Efferents from the optic tectum to the brain stem in the Japanese quail ( Coturnix japonica ). Anterogradely biocytin method. Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica 73, 15-24.
48) Wada N, Sugita S, Hirao A, Tokuriki M. 1996. Polysynaptic pathways from high threshold muscle afferents innervating hindlimb muscles to tail motoneurons in the spinalized cat. Archives Italiennes de Biologie 134,191-195.
49) Wada N, Jouzaki A, Kaneto R, Aramaki A, Tokuriki M, Sugita S. 1996. Location of motoneurons supplying tail muscles in the domestic fowl. Archives Italiennes de Biologie 134, 317-322.
50) Mabayo RT, Okumura J, Hirao A, Sugita S, Sugahara K, Furuse M. 1996. The role of olfaction in oil preference in the chicken. Physiology and Behavior 59, 1185-1188.
51) Sugita S, Iizuka Y, Sugahara K. 1996. Organization of the vagal preganglionic neurons innervating the stomach in the Japanese quail ( Coturnix japonica) double labeling fluorescent method. The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 58, 229-234.
52) Tokunaga A, Sugita S, Nagai K, Tsutsumi K, Ohsawa K. 1997. Immunohistochemical characterization of the suprachiasmatic nucleus and the intergeniculate leaflet in the hereditary bilaterally microphthalmic rat. Neuroscience Research 27, 57-63.
53) Sugahara K, Nagai K, Isojima Y, Nagai N, Sugita S, Nakagawa H. 1997. Little or no response to 24-hr water-deprivation of fos-like immunoreactivity in vasopressinergic magnocellular neurons in the hypothalamus of hereditary microphthalmic rats. Experimental Animals 46, 141-145.
54) Wada N, Jouzaki A, Ichikawa M, Kaneto R, Takahashi K, Tokuriki M, Sugita S. 1997. Distribution of motoneurons innervating tail muscles in the pigeon. The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 59, 473-475.
55) Shim S, Sugita S, Sugahara K, Tanaka H. 1997. Feeding rhythm and ornithine decarboxylase activity in hereditary microphthalmic rats. Physiology and Behavior 62, 1365-1369.
56) Guo X, Sugita S, Gu F. 1998. The suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCNs) of the Hungary field vole(Microtus arvalis). Journal of Fudan University (Natural Science. 37, 179-185.
57) 山田 未知, 後藤 麻美, 杉田 昭栄. 1998. ウズラの視覚器および視蓋の孵化後発達に関する形態計測. 日本畜産学会報 69, 941-949.
58) Sugita S, Ito S, Aoyama M, Fukuta K. 1999. The central distribution of the vagal efferent neurons projecting into the stomach of the Japanese field vole (Microtus montebelli). Animal Science Journal 70, 319-328.
59) Tanaka H, Shim S, Hitomi Y, Sugita S, Sugahara K. 1999. Effects of restricted food access on diurnal fluctuation of behaviors and biochemical functions in hereditary microphthalmic rats. Physiology and Behavior 67, 167-172.
60) 宮崎 浩子, 村松 晉, 村松 睦, 杉田 昭栄. 1999. マウスの四肢長骨の生長におよぼす低線量率ガンマ線の連続照射の影響. 実験動物技術 34, 95-98.
61) 宮崎 浩子, 村松 晉, 村松 睦, 杉田 昭栄. 1999. マウスの脾臓、胸腺、生殖腺におよぼすガンマ線連続照射の影響. 実験動物技術 34, 99-106.
62) 宮崎 浩子, 村松 睦, 村松 晉, 杉田 昭栄. 1999. マウスの生長におよぼす低線量率ガンマ線の連続照射の影響-体重、頭胴長、尾長への影響-. CELSS学会誌 12, 27-31.
63) Sugita S, Aoyama M, Fujiwara K. 2000. Retinal projections to the dorsal and ventral lateral geniculate nuclei in the domestic pig ( Sus scrofa domesticus Brisson). Animal Science Journal 71, 189-196.
64) Kassab A, Sugita S. 2000. Study of ganglion cell topography of the retina in buffaloes (Bos bubalis). Animal Science Journal 71, 600-608.
65) Shikaki N, Wada N, Tokuriki M, Sugita S, Mammba K. 2000. The effect of pyramidal stimulation upon tail muscle motoneurons in the decerebrate cat. Brain Research Bulletin 52, 183-188.
66) Mori R, Murai A, Okumura J, Sugita S, Sugahara K, Furuse M. 2000. Effect of Cyclodextrins on small intestinal mucosa and glucose absorption in the rat. Journal of Applied Animal Research 17, 201-208.
67) 平尾 温司, 杉田 昭栄, 菅原 邦生. 2000. ニワトリ(Gallus domesticus)嗅球の遠心性および求心性神経接合と遠心性投射経路について. 日本畜産学会報 71, 483-490.
68) Guo X, Sugita S. 2000. Topography of ganglion cells in the retina of the horse. The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 62, 1145-1150.
69) 山田 未知, 網中 潤, 山田 幸二, 杉田 昭栄. 2000. ランドレース純粋種とその交雑種における筋肉内の脂質含量とその脂肪酸組成および筋線維の比較. 日本養豚学会誌 37, 115-118
70) 早坂 絵理, 青山 真人, 杉田 昭栄. 2000. 小学校における飼育動物への教員と児童の意識. ヒトと動物の関係学会誌8, 78-82.
71) 青山 真人, 山崎 真, 杉田 昭栄, 楠瀬 良. 2001. ウマの情動をその表情から推察するアンケート調査. 日本畜産学会報 72, 256-265.
72) Guo X, Sugita S. 2001. Quantitative analysis of the optic nerve of the horse. The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science. 63, 971-975.
73) Kassab A, Aoyama M, Sugita S. 2001. The morphology of the iridocorneal angle in the eye of buffaloes (Bos bubalis): A light and scanning electron microscopic study. Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica 78, 145-152.
74) Kassab A, Aoyama M, Sugita S. 2002. Quantitative study of the optic nerve in buffaloes (Bos bubalis). Animal Science Journal 73, 59-65.
75) Guo X., Sugita S. 2002.Quantitative analysis of the organization of the inner nuclear layer of the horse retina. The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science. 64, 847-849.
76) Sakurai M, Sakamoto C, Ayama M, Aoyama M, Sugita S. 2002. Categorical color response of chromatic lights in the entire visual field. Human Vision and Electronic Imaging Ⅶ, 3-10.
77) Aoyama M, Negishi A, Abe A, Maejima Y, Sugita S. 2003. Sex differences in stress responses to transportation in goats: Effects of gonadal hormones. Animal Science Journal. 74, 511-519.
78) 渡邊 潤, 青山 真人, 杉田 昭栄. 2003. マガモ羽装アヒルを用いた羽装の季節的二型性に関する研究-羽装変化に伴う色素細胞、テストステロン、α-MSHの周年における動態について-. 日本家禽学会誌 40, 57-65.
79) Aruji Y, Tamura K, Sugita S, Adachi Y. 2004. Intestinal microflora in 45 crows in Ueno zoo and the in vitro susceptibilities of 29 Escherichia coli isolates to 14 antimicrobial agents. The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 66, 1283-1286.
80) Aoyama M, Yoshimura N, Sugita S, Kusunose R. 2004. Effects of used bedding straw and drying it in sunshine on lying behavior in stable horses. Journal of Equine Science 15, 67-73.
81) Furutani R, Izawa T, Sugita S. 2004. Distribution of facial motoneurons innervating the common facial muscles of the rabbit and rat. Okajimas Folia Anaomica Japonica 81, 101-108.
82) Furutani R, Sugita S. 2004. Projection from the facial nucleus to the auricular muscles of rabbits. Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica 81, 109-118.
83) Maejima Y, Aoyama M, Abe A, Sugita S. 2005. Induced expression of c-fos in the diencephalon and pituitary gland of goats following transportation. Journal of Animal Science 83, 1845-1853.
84) Elkhalil AO, Maejima Y, Aoyama M, Tanaka H, Sugita S. 2005. Morphometric and histochemical study of involution in the rat uterus after parturition. Animal Science Journal 76, 313-323.
85) Watanabe J, Imai M, Sugita S. 2005. Changes in structure of head feathers of wild plumage type: Male mallard ducks ( Anas platyrhynchos var. domesticus ) following seasonal plumage changes. The Journal of Poultry Science. 42, 145-151. 86) Aoyama M, Maejima Y, Keyaki S, Muroi M, Tohei A, Sugita S. 2005. Effects of androgen on plasma levels of adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisol during transportation in goats. The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science. 67, 1109-1114.
87) Elkhalil AO, Hamilton M, Yoshizawa F, Sugita S. 2005. Expression of SIP24 in the peripartum and postpartum rat uterus. Connective Tissue Research. 46, 235-241.
88) Maejima Y, Aoyama M, Kobayashi N, Sugita S. 2006.Adrenocorticotropic hormone induced secretion of cortisol in goats is inhibited by androgen. Animal Science Journal.77, 87-94
89) Maejima Y, Aoyama M, Sugita S. 2006. Expression of c-fos like immunireactive cells in the adrenal gland of goats following transportation in goat. Small Ruminant Research. 63, 162-169.
90) 塚原 直樹, 青山 真人, 杉田 昭栄. 2006. ハシブトガラスCorvus macrorhynchosにおける鳴き声および発声器官の性差. 日本鳥学会誌. 55, 7-17.
91) Rahman ML, Sugita S, Aoyama M, Sugita S. 2006.Number, distribution and size of retinal ganglion cells in the jungle crow (Corvus macrorhynchos) Anatomical Science International. 81, 253-259.
92) Takeuchi T, Suigta. S 2007. Histological atlas and morphological features by Nissl staining in the amygdaloid complex of the horse, cow and pig. Journal of Equine Science. 18, 13-25.
93) Rahman ML, Aoyama M, Sugita M. 2007. Topography of ganglion cells in the retina of the duck (Anas platyrhynchos var.domesticus). Animal Science Journal. 78, 286-292.
94) Rahman ML, Aoyama M, Sugita M.2007. Topography of retinal photoreceptor cell in the Jungle crow (Corvus macrorhynchos) with emphasis on the distribution of oil droplets. Ornithological Science. 6, 21-27.
95) 青山 真人、祝 暁波、塚原 直樹、渡邊 潤、杉田 昭栄. 2007. 関東地方におけるハシブトガラスCorvus macrorhynchosの生殖腺の季節変動. 日本鳥学会誌. 56, 157-162.
96) 塚原 直樹、小池 雄一郎、青山 真人、杉田 昭栄. 2007. ハシブトガラスとハシボソガラスの鳴き声における種差. 日本鳥学会誌. 56,163-169.
97) 塚原 直樹、青山 真人、杉田 昭栄. 2007. ハシブトガラスとハシボソガラスの鳴管の形態および鳴管筋における種差. 日本解剖学会誌. 82, 129-135.
98) Rahman ML, Aoyama M, Sugita S. 2007. Number and density of retinal photoreceptor cells with emphasis on oil droplet distribution in Mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos var.domesticus). Animal Science Journal. 78, 639-649.
99) Fukui E, Sugita S, Yoshizawa M. 2008.Molecular sexing of Jungle crow (Corvus macrorhynchos japonensis) and Carrion crow (Corvus corone corone) using a feather pulp. Animal Science Journal. 79, 158-162.
100) Furutani R, Sugita S. 2008. Comparative histological study of the mammalian facial nucleus. The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science. 70, 367-372.
101) Rahman ML, Aoyama M, Sugita S. 2007. Regional specialization of the tree sparrow (Passer montanus) retina: Ganglion cell density and oil droplet distribution. Ornithological Science. 6, 95-105.
102) Aoyama M, Negishi A, Abe A, Yokoyama R, Ichimaru T, Sugita S. 2008. Physiological and behavioral effects of intracerebroventricular injection of corticotropin releasing hormone in goats. The Veterinary Journal. 177, 116-123.
103) Aoyama M, Negishi A, Abe A, Maejima Y, Sugita S. 2008. Short-term transportation in a small vehicle affects the physiological state and subsequent water consumption on goats. Animal Science Journal. 79, 526-533.
104) Fukui E, Hatazawa M, Ishi A, Sugita S, Yoshizawa M. 2007. Phylogenetic implications of Jungle Crow (Corves macrorhyncho japonensis) and carrion crow (Corves corne corne) based on nucleotide sequence of mitochondrial DNA. Biosphere Conservation. 9, 41-45.
105) Tsukahara N, Yang Q, Sugita S. 2008. The structure of syringeal muscles in jungle crow (Corvus macrorhynchos). Anatomical Science International. 83, 152-158.
106) Hirao A, Aoyama M, Sugita S. 2009. The role of uropygial gland on sexual behavior in domestic chicken Gallus gallus domesticus. Behavioural Processes. 80, 115-120.
107) Aoyama M, Maejima Y, Suzuki T, Iigo M, Sugita S. 2009. Androgen suppresses corticotropin-induced increase in plasma cortisol level but enhances the increase in plasma aldosterone level in goats. The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science. 71, 281-285.
108) Lee E, Aoyama M, Sugita S. 2009. Microstructure of the feather in Japanese Jungle Crows (Corvus macrorhynchos) with distinguishing gender difference. Anatomical Science International. 84, 141-147.
109) Maejima Y, Aoyama M, Ookawara S, Hirao A, Sugita S. 2009. Distribution of the androgen receptor in the diencephalon and the pituitary gland in goats: Co-localisation with corticotrophin releasing hormone, arginine vasopressin and corticotrophs. The Veterinary Journal. 181, 193-199.
110) Yokosuka M, Hagiwara A, Saito TR, Tsukahara N, Aoyama M, Wakabayashi Y, Sugita S, Ichikawa M. 2009. Histological properties of the nasal cavity and olfactory bulb of the Japanese Jungle crow Corvus macrorhynchos. Chemical Senses. 34, 581-593.
111) Yokosuka M, Hagiwara A, Saito TR, Aoyama M, Ichikawa M, Sugita S. 2009. Morphological and histochemical studies of the nasal cavity and fused olfactory bulb of the brown-eared bulbul, Hysipetes amaurotis. Zoological Science. 26, 713-721.
112) Islam MN, Zhu XB, Aoyama M, Sugita S. 2009. Histological and morphological analyses of seasonal testicular variations in the Jungle Crow (Corvus macrorhynchos). Anatomical Science International. 85, 121-129.
113) Islam MN, Zhu XB, Aoyama M, Sugita S. 2010. Seasonal morphological changes in the ovary of the Jungle crow (Corvus macrorhynchos). Anatomical Science International. 85, 224-234.
114) Kober HAKM, Aoyama M, Sugita S. 2010. Immunohistochemical localization of catecholamine biosynthetic enzymes in the adrenal gland of the domestic fowl (Gallus domesticus). Poultry Science. 89, 1709-1715.
115) Islam MN, Zhu XB, Aoyama M, Sugita S.2010. Light and electron microscopy study of the pectin oculi of the Jungle crow (Corvus macrorhynchos). Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica. 87, 75-83.
116) Lee E, Lee H, Kimura J, Sugita S.2010. Feather microstructure of the Black-billed magpie (pica pica seicea) and Jungle crow (Corvus macrorhynchos). The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science. 72, 1047-1050.
117) Tsukahara N, Tani Y, Lee E, Kikuchi H, Endoh K, Ichikawa M, Sugita S. 2010. Microstructure characteristics of the cornea in birds and mammals. The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science. 72, 1137-1143.
118) Rahman ML, Kuroda K, Aoyama M, Sugita S. 2010. Regional specialization of the Ganglion cell density in the retina of the Ostrich (Struthio camelus). Animal Science Journal. 81, 108-115.
119) Aoyama M, Natsume Y, Fukui E, Koganezawa M, Sugita S. 2010. The effects of predator stimuli on physiological and Behavioral responses in goats. Animal Behaviour and Management. 46, 109-118.
120) Bogale BA, Aoyama M, Sugita S. 2011. Categorical learning between "male" and "female" photographic human faces in jungle crow (Corvus macrorhynchos). Behavioural Processes. 86, 109-118.
121) Bogale BA, Kamata N, Katano M, Sugita S. 2011. Quantity discrimination in jungle crow. Corvus macrohynchos. Animal Behaviour. 82, 635-641.
122) 鎌田 直樹、遠藤 沙綾香、杉田 昭栄、2011. ハシブトガラスとハシボソガラスにおける最大突刺力と最大引張力. 日本鳥学会誌. 60, 191-199.
123) Kober HAKM, Aoyama M, TsukaharaN, Sugita S. 2011. The effect of acute transportation stress on the adrenal gland of the domestic chicken (Gallus domesticus). Animal Behaviour and Management. 47, 97-103.
124) Tsukahara N, Tani Y, Nihei K. Kabuyama Y, Sugita S. 2011. High levels of apolipoprotein in the soluble fraction of avian cornea. Experimental Eye Research. 92, 432-435.
125) Bogale BA, Sugawara S, Sakano K, Tsuda S, Sugita S. 2012. Long term memory of color stimuli in the jungle crow (Corvus macrorhynchos). Animal Cognation. 15, 285-291.
126) Islam MN, Tsukahara N, Sugita S. 2012. Apoptosis-mediated seasonal testicular regression in the Japanese Jungle crow (Corvus macrorhynchos). Theriogenology. 77, 1854-1865. 2012.
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137) Bogale BA, Sugita S. 2014. Shape discrimination and concept formation in the jungle crow (Corvus macrorhynchos). Animal Cognition. 17, 105-111.
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2) 体の中の小宇宙 ―命をみつめる―(単著).大学教育出版.2001.ISBN:978-4887304345.
3) カラスとかしこく付き合う法(単著).草思社.2002.ISBN:978-4794211712.
4) 獣医組織学(第二版).p261-264(分担:「第19章 家禽の組織学」中枢神経系).日本獣医解剖学会編.学窓社.2002.ISBN:4-87362-102-X.
5) 発見! おもしろ食シリーズ「感じてみよう! 味・歯ごたえ・舌ざわり」.p 32-34(分担:カラスの味覚を調べる).岩元 聖子, 他 著.草土文化.2003.ISBN:4-7945-0861-1
6) 21世紀生命科学バイオテクノロジ -最前線- ヒト・動物・微生物・植物ゲノムDNA時代.p 117-159(分担:21世紀は「脳科学の時代」になる -鳥類{カラス・ハト・ニワトリ・スズメ}の脳と人間の脳を比較する-).東京教育情報センター.ISBN:978-4-8081-4420-3.
7) カラス なぜ遊ぶ(単著).集英社新書.2004.ISBN:978-4-0872-0234-2.
8) カラス -おもしろ生態とかしこい防ぎ方-(単著).農漁村文化協会.2004.ISBN:978-4-5400-3249-3.
9) 獣医組織学(第三版)p263-266(分担・編集:「第19章 家禽の組織学」中枢神経系).日本獣医解剖学会編.学窓社.2005.ISBN:4-8736-2124-0.
10) 栃木から世界をのぞく -みんなの環境学- Think Globally, Act Locally(下野新聞新書).p 15-17(分担:カラスに学ぶ都市生活).下野新聞社.2005.ISBN:978-4-882862796.
11) 図説動物形態学.P101-116(分担:神経組織と脳・脊髄).福田 勝洋 編.朝倉書店.2006. ISBN:978-4-254-45022-4.
12) 獣医組織学(第四版). p282-286(分担・編集:「第19章 家禽の組織学」中枢神経系).日本獣医解剖学会編.学窓社.2007.ISBN:978-4-87362-151-7.
13) 猫を科学する.p119-142(分担:体の仕組み).紺野 耕 監修.養賢堂.2009.ISBN:978-4-8425-0462-9.
14) カラスの自然史 ―系統から遊び行動まで-.p 201-218(分担:ハブトガラスの認識能力).樋口 広芳、黒沢 令子 編.北海道大学出版会.2010.ISBN:978-4-8329-8196-6.
15) 獣医組織学(第五版).p 294-299(分担・編集:「第19章 家禽の組織学」中枢神経系).日本獣医解剖学会編.学窓社.2011.ISBN:978-4-87362-711-3.
16) 獣医組織学(第六版). p296-300(分担・編集:「第19章 家禽の組織学」中枢神経系).日本獣医解剖学会編.学窓社.2014.ISBN:978-4-8736-2744-1.
17) 獣医組織学(第七版). p292-296(分担・編集:「第19章 家禽の組織学」中枢神経系).日本獣医解剖学会編.学窓社.2017.ISBN:978-4-87362-754-0.
18) 犬を科学する.p 128-143(分担:イヌの体).石橋 晃、他 監修.養賢堂.2017.ISBN:978-4-8425-0559-6.

19) 牛の解剖アトラス.p32-33(分担:頭蓋と歯).(原題:Bovine Anatomy: An Illustrated Text, Budras KD, Habel RE 著).日本獣医解剖学会 監訳.チクサン出版.2005.ISBN-13: 978-4895310468
20) カラーアトラス獣医解剖学.p489-503(分担:第14章 中枢神経).(原題:Veterinary Anatomy of Domestic Mammals –Textbook and Color Atlas-, Konig HE, Liebin HG 編).カラーアトラス獣医解剖学編集委員会 監訳.緑書房.2007. ISBN:978-4-8953-1252-3.
21) 獣医発生学.p 307-324(分担:眼と耳).(原題:Veterinary Embryology, McGeady TA 他 著).谷口 和之、他 監訳.学窓社.2008.ISBN:978-4-8736-2157-9.
22) 道具を使うカラスの物語.監訳.(原題:Crow Smarts -Inside the Brain of the World’s Brightest Bird-, Turner PS 他 著).緑書房.2018.ISBN:978-4-89531-324-7.


1) 遺伝性小眼球症ラットの視覚中枢.若手奨励.代表.1984~1985.
2) 家禽における視覚および嗅覚中枢と消化管運動制御中枢の関連について.基盤研究C-2.代表.1997~1998.
3) 高等脊椎動物における自律神経機能の特異性に関する比較生物学的研究.基盤研究A-2.分担(代表:東京大学 菅野 茂).1997~1998.
4) ヒスチジンを含むサイクリックペプチドの試作と大脳活性化物質の開発.基盤研究B-2.分担(代表:宇都宮大学 柳沢 忠).1997~1998.
5) 孵化前有色光線処理による家禽胚への色覚への刷り込みとその応用に関する研究.基盤研究C-2.代表.1999~2000.
6) 遺伝性視神経欠損ラットの栄養生理的特性と代謝リズム.基盤研究B-2.分担(代表:宇都宮大学 田中 秀幸).1999~2000.
7) カラスの成体機構に関する研究 -中枢神経、視覚、鳴き声、記憶・学習を中心として-.基盤研究C-2.代表.2001~2003.
8) ハシブトガラスの雌雄相互認識法の解析と群形成の要因に関する研究.基盤研究B-2.代表.2004~2006.
9) 鳥類における果実の熟れ具合認識機構の解明.基盤研究A-2.代表.2007~2009.
10) 家畜の輸送ストレスは乗り物酔いか?.基盤研究C-2.分担(代表:宇都宮大学 青山 真人).2008~2010.
11) 動揺病の制御により家畜の輸送ストレスを軽減する試み.基盤研究C-2.分担(代表:宇都宮大学 青山 真人).2011~2013.
12) カラスの感染伝播と飛翔軌跡の解析.基盤研究A-2.代表.2011~2015.


1) 特許第4852701号.鳥類の誘導営巣具.発明者 杉田昭栄.特許権者 国立大学法人宇都宮大学.登録日 平成23年11月4日.
2) 特許第4898998号.ごみ袋.発明者 杉田昭栄、綾部英寿.特許権者 国立大学法人宇都宮大学、日本グリーンパックス株式会社.登録日 平成24年1月13日.
3) 特許第5135507号.カラス忌避装置.発明者 塚原直樹、杉田昭栄、青山真人.特許権者 国立大学法人宇都宮大学.登録日 平成24年11月22日.